Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Upcoming costs

Hey all. Just an FYI of a few upcoming costs to be aware of.

1. There is a one time cleaning fee of $55
2. Mexican Auto Insurance (my guesstimate is $70 tops)
3. Food & liquor (Guesstimate $120)
4. Rocky Point Shirts (about $20/shirt so $160)

Total Guesstimate per person $50...being as how our shirts are like $20 I think that's pretty good. Remember that's just my guesstimate. Don't hold me to it :)

We will add up the total of everything & split it all between the 8 of us. Sound good? Shirts will be ready on Saturday! Todd & Jacquie said they will pick them up! Can't wait!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I stuck my finger.....

in my butt.

It changed my life.


Can we go yet?!

Don't know about you guys but I'm dying here!!! Let's just go already!